gobject.MainContext — an object representing a set of event sources to be handled in a gobject.MainLoop.
A gobject.MainContext represents a set of event sources that can be run in a single thread. File descriptors (plain files, pipes or sockets) and timeouts are the standard event sources for GTK and PyGTK though others can be added. Each event source is assigned a priority. The default priority, gobject.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, is 0. Values less than 0 denote higher priorities. Values greater than 0 denote lower priorities. Events from high priority sources are always processed before events from lower priority sources. Single iterations of a gobject.MainContext can be run with the iteration() method.
Returns : | a new gobject.MainContext object. |
Creates a new gobject.MainContext object.
may_block : | if TRUE the call may block waiting for an event. |
Returns : | TRUE if events were dispatched. |
The iteration() method runs a single iteration. This involves:
Note that even when may_block is TRUE, it is still possible for iteration() to return FALSE, since the the wait may be interrupted for other reasons than an event source becoming ready.