
pango.TabArray — an object containing an array of tab stops.


class pango.TabArray(gobject.GBoxed):
    pango.TabArray(initial_size, positions_in_pixels)
def copy()
def get_size()
def resize(new_size)
def set_tab(tab_index, alignment, location)
def get_tab(tab_index)
def get_tabs()
def get_positions_in_pixels()


A pango.TabArray object contains an array of tab stops. Each tab stop has an alignment and a position.


    pango.TabArray(initial_size, positions_in_pixels)
initial_size :Initial number of tab stops to allocate, can be 0
positions_in_pixels :if TRUE the tab positions are in pixel units
Returns :a pango.TabArray

Creates a new pango.TabArray object with the number of tab stops specified by initial_size. If positions_in_pixels is TRUE, the tab stop positions are specified in pixel units otherwise in pango units (one pixel = pango.SCALE pango units). All tab stops are initially at position 0.



    def copy()
Returns :a new pango.TabArray object

The copy() method returns a new pango.TabArray that is copy of this pango.TabArray.


    def get_size()
Returns :the number of tab stops in the array.

The get_size() method returns the number of tab stops in the tab array.


    def resize(new_size)
new_size :the new size of the array

The resize() method sets the size of the tab array to the value specified by new_size. You must subsequently initialize any tabs that were added to the array.


    def set_tab(tab_index, alignment, location)
tab_index :the index of a tab stop
alignment :the tab alignment
location :the tab location in pango units

The set_tab() method sets the specified alignment and location of the tab stop specified by tab_index. The value of alignment must always be pango.TAB_LEFT in the current implementation.


    def get_tab(tab_index)
tab_index :the tab stop index
Returns :a 2-tuple containing the tab alignment and position

The get_tab() method returns a 2-tuple containing the alignment and position of the tab stop specified by tab_index.


    def get_tabs()
Returns :a tuple containing a list of 2-tuples (each holding the alignment and position of a tab stop).

The get_tabs() method returns a tuple containing a list of 2-tuples (each holding the alignment and position of a tab stop)


    def get_positions_in_pixels()
Returns :TRUE if tab stop positions are specified in pixels

The get_positions_in_pixels() method returns TRUE if the tab positions are specified in pixels and FALSE if they are in pango units.