gtk.gdk Constants

gtk.gdk Constants — the built-in constants of the gtk.gdk module


GDK Drag Action Constants
GDK Device Axis Use Constants
GDK Byte Order Constants
GDK Cap Style Constants
GDK Crossing Mode Constants
GDK Cursor Type Constants
GDK Drag Protocol Constants
GDK Event Mask Flag Constants
GDK Event Type Constants
GDK Extension Mode Constants
GDK Fill Constants
GDK Fill Rule Constants
GDK Filter Return Constants
GDK Function Constants
GDK GC Values Mask Flag Constants
GDK Gravity Constants
GDK Image Type Constants
GDK Input Condition Flag Constants
GDK Input Mode Constants
GDK Input Source Constants
GDK Join Style Constants
GDK Line Style Constants
GDK Modifier Constants
GDK Notify Type Constants
GDK Overlap Type Constants
GDK Owner Change Constants
GDK Parent Relative Constant
GDK Pixbuf Rotation Constants
GDK Property Mode Constants
GDK Property State Constants
GDK RGB Dither Constants
GDK Scroll Direction Constants
GDK Setting Action Constants
GDK Subwindow Mode Constants
GDK Visibility State Constants
GDK Visual Type Constants
GDK Window Class Constants
GDK Window Edge Constants
GDK Window Hints Constants
GDK Window State Flag Constants
GDK Window Type Constants
GDK Window Type Hint Constants
GDK WM Decoration Constants
GDK WM Function Constants


GDK Drag Action Constants

The Drag Action constants are used by gtk.gdk.DragContext objects to indicate what the destination should do with the dropped data.

gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPYCopy the data.
gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVEMove the data, i.e. first copy it, then delete it from the source using the DELETE target of the X selection protocol.
gtk.gdk.ACTION_LINKAdd a link to the data. Note that this is only useful if source and destination agree on what it means.
gtk.gdk.ACTION_PRIVATESpecial action which tells the source that the destination will do something that the source doesn't understand.
gtk.gdk.ACTION_ASKAsk the user what to do with the data.

GDK Device Axis Use Constants

The Device Axis constants describing the way in which a device axis (valuator) maps onto predefined valuator types.

gtk.gdk.AXIS_IGNOREthe axis is ignored.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_Xthe axis is used as the x axis.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_Ythe axis is used as the y axis.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_PRESSUREthe axis is used for pressure information.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_XTILTthe axis is used for x tilt information.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_YTILTthe axis is used for y tilt information.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_WHEELthe axis is used for wheel information.
gtk.gdk.AXIS_LASTa constant equal to the numerically highest axis value.

GDK Byte Order Constants

The Byte Order constants specify a set of values describing the possible byte-orders for storing pixel values in memory.

gtk.gdk.LSB_FIRSTThe values are stored with the least-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0xcc, 0xee, 0xff, 0x00.
gtk.gdk.MSB_FIRSTThe values are stored with the most-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0x00, 0xcc, 0xee, 0xff.

GDK Cap Style Constants

The Cap Style constants specify how the end of lines are drawn.

gtk.gdk.CAP_NOT_LASTThe same as gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT for lines of non-zero width but for zero width lines, the final point on the line will not be drawn.
gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTTThe ends of the lines are drawn squared off and extending to the coordinates of the end point.
gtk.gdk.CAP_ROUNDThe ends of the lines are drawn as semicircles with the diameter equal to the line width and centered at the end point.
gtk.gdk.CAP_PROJECTINGThe ends of the lines are drawn squared off and extending half the width of the line beyond the end point.

GDK Crossing Mode Constants

The Crossing Mode constants specify the crossing mode for the Crossing gtk.gdk.Event

GDK Cursor Type Constants

The Cursor Type constants specify the set of standard cursors available.


GDK Drag Protocol Constants

The Drag Protocol constants specify the protocol for a gtk.gdk.DragContext according to which DND is done.

gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_MOTIFThe Motif DND protocol.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_XDNDThe Xdnd protocol.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWINAn extension to the Xdnd protocol for unclaimed root window drops.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_NONEno protocol.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_WIN32_DROPFILESThe simple WM_DROPFILES protocol.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_OLE2The complex OLE2 DND protocol (not implemented).
gtk.gdk.DRAG_PROTO_LOCALIntra-application DND.

GDK Event Mask Flag Constants

The Event Mask flag constants are a set of bit-flags that specify the events a window is to receive. Most of these masks map onto one or more of the Event Type Constants.


GDK Event Type Constants

The Event Type constants specify the type of an event.

gtk.gdk.NOTHINGa special code to indicate a null event.
gtk.gdk.DELETEthe window manager has requested that the toplevel window be hidden or destroyed, usually when the user clicks on a special icon in the title bar.
gtk.gdk.DESTROYthe window has been destroyed.
gtk.gdk.EXPOSEall or part of the window has become visible and needs to be redrawn.
gtk.gdk.MOTION_NOTIFYthe pointer (usually a mouse) has moved.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESSa mouse button has been pressed.
gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESSa mouse button has been double-clicked (clicked twice within a short period of time). Note that each click also generates a gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS event.
gtk.gdk._3BUTTON_PRESSa mouse button has been clicked 3 times in a short period of time. Note that each click also generates a gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS event.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASEa mouse button has been released.
gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESSa key has been pressed.
gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASEa key has been released.
gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFYthe pointer has entered the window.
gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFYthe pointer has left the window.
gtk.gdk.FOCUS_CHANGEthe keyboard focus has entered or left the window.
gtk.gdk.CONFIGUREthe size, position or stacking order of the window has changed. Note that PyGTK discards these events for gtk.gdk.WINDOW_CHILD windows.
gtk.gdk.MAPthe window has been mapped.
gtk.gdk.UNMAPthe window has been unmapped.
gtk.gdk.PROPERTY_NOTIFYa property on the window has been changed or deleted.
gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLEARthe application has lost ownership of a selection.
gtk.gdk.SELECTION_REQUESTanother application has requested a selection.
gtk.gdk.SELECTION_NOTIFYa selection has been received.
gtk.gdk.PROXIMITY_INan input device has moved into contact with a sensing surface (e.g. a touchscreen or graphics tablet).
gtk.gdk.PROXIMITY_OUTan input device has moved out of contact with a sensing surface.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_ENTERthe mouse has entered the window while a drag is in progress.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_LEAVEthe mouse has left the window while a drag is in progress
gtk.gdk.DRAG_MOTIONthe mouse has moved in the window while a drag is in progress.
gtk.gdk.DRAG_STATUSthe status of the drag operation initiated by the window has changed.
gtk.gdk.DROP_STARTa drop operation onto the window has started.
gtk.gdk.DROP_FINISHEDthe drop operation initiated by the window has completed.
gtk.gdk.CLIENT_EVENTa message has been received from another application.
gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_NOTIFYthe window visibility status has changed.
gtk.gdk.NO_EXPOSEindicates that the source region was completely available when parts of a drawable were copied. This is not very useful.
gtk.gdk.SCROLLa scroll had occurred for a window
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATEthe window state has changed
gtk.gdk.SETTINGa setting has changed

GDK Extension Mode Constants

The Extension Mode constants specify which extension events are desired for a particular widget.

gtk.gdk.EXTENSION_EVENTS_NONENo extension events are desired.
gtk.gdk.EXTENSION_EVENTS_ALLAll extension events are desired.
gtk.gdk.EXTENSION_EVENTS_CURSORExtension events are desired only if a cursor will be displayed for the device.

GDK Fill Constants

The Fill constants specify how primitives are drawn.

gtk.gdk.SOLIDdraw with the foreground color.
gtk.gdk.TILEDdraw with a tiled pixmap.
gtk.gdk.STIPPLEDdraw using the stipple bitmap. Pixels corresponding to bits in the stipple bitmap that are set will be drawn in the foreground color; pixels corresponding to bits that are not set will be left untouched.
gtk.gdk.OPAQUE_STIPPLEDdraw using the stipple bitmap. Pixels corresponding to bits in the stipple bitmap that are set will be drawn in the foreground color; pixels corresponding to bits that are not set will be drawn with the background color.

GDK Fill Rule Constants

The Fill Rule constants specify the method for determining which pixels are included in a region, when creating a GdkRegion from a polygon. The fill rule is only relevant for polygons which overlap themselves. Not used in PyGTK.

gtk.gdk.EVEN_ODD_RULEAreas which are overlapped an odd number of times are included in the region, while areas overlapped an even number of times are not.
gtk.gdk.WINDING_RULEOverlapping areas are always included.

GDK Filter Return Constants

The Filter Return constants specify the result of filtering a native event. See the gtk.gdk.Window.add_filter() method for more information.

gtk.gdk.FILTER_CONTINUEEvent not handled, continue processing.
gtk.gdk.FILTER_TRANSLATENative event translated and stored into the gtk.gdk.Event passed in.
gtk.gdk.FILTER_REMOVEEvent handled, terminate processing.

GDK Function Constants

The Function constants specify how the bit values for the source pixels are combined with the bit values for destination pixels to produce the final result. The sixteen values here correspond to the 16 different possible 2x2 truth tables. Only a couple of these values are usually useful; for colored images, only gtk.gdk.COPY, gtk.gdk.XOR and gtk.gdk.INVERT are generally useful. For bitmaps, gtk.gdk.AND and gtk.gdk.OR are also useful.


GDK GC Values Mask Flag Constants

The GC Values Mask flag constants are a set of bit flags used to specify which fields GdkGCValues structure are set. These are only used internally by PyGTK.

gtk.gdk.GC_FOREGROUNDthe foreground is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_BACKGROUNDthe background is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_FONTthe font is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_FUNCTIONthe function is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_FILLthe fill is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_TILEthe tile is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_STIPPLEthe stipple is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_CLIP_MASKthe clip_mask is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_SUBWINDOWthe subwindow_mode is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_TS_X_ORIGINthe ts_x_origin is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_TS_Y_ORIGINthe ts_y_origin is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_CLIP_X_ORIGINthe clip_x_origin is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_CLIP_Y_ORIGINthe clip_y_origin is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_EXPOSURESthe graphics_exposures is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_LINE_WIDTHthe line_width is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_LINE_STYLEthe line_style is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_CAP_STYLEthe cap_style is set.
gtk.gdk.GC_JOIN_STYLEthe join_style is set.

GDK Gravity Constants

The Gravity constants specify the reference point of a window and the meaning of coordinates passed to the gtk.Window.move() method.

gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_WESTThe reference point is at the top left corner.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTHThe reference point is in the middle of the top edge.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_NORTH_EASTThe reference point is at the top right corner.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_WESTThe reference point is at the middle of the left edge.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_CENTERThe reference point is at the center of the window.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_EASTThe reference point is at the middle of the right edge.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTH_WESTThe reference point is at the lower left corner.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTHThe reference point is at the middle of the lower edge.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_SOUTH_EASTThe reference point is at the lower right corner.
gtk.gdk.GRAVITY_STATICThe reference point is at the top left corner of the window itself, ignoring window manager decorations.

GDK Image Type Constants

The Image Type constants specify the type of a gtk.gdk.Image.

gtk.gdk.IMAGE_NORMALThe original X image type, which is quite slow since the image has to be transferred from the client to the server to display it.
gtk.gdk.IMAGE_SHAREDA faster image type, which uses shared memory to transfer the image data between client and server. However this will only be available if client and server are on the same machine and the shared memory extension is supported by the server.
gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTESTSpecifies that gtk.gdk.IMAGE_SHARED should be tried first, and if that fails then gtk.gdk.IMAGE_NORMAL will be used.

GDK Input Condition Flag Constants

The Input Condition constants are a set of bit-flags that specify conditions for which an input callback will be triggered. The three members of this enumeration correspond to the readfds, writefds, and exceptfds arguments to the select system call.

gtk.gdk.INPUT_READThe file descriptor has become available for reading. (Or, as is standard in Unix, a socket or pipe was closed at the other end; this is the case if a subsequent read on the file descriptor returns a count of zero.)
gtk.gdk.INPUT_WRITEThe file descriptor has become available for writing.
gtk.gdk.INPUT_EXCEPTIONAn exception was raised on the file descriptor.

GDK Input Mode Constants

The Input Mode constants specify the mode of an input device.

gtk.gdk.MODE_DISABLEDthe device is disabled and will not report any events.
gtk.gdk.MODE_SCREENthe device is enabled. The device's coordinate space maps to the entire screen.
gtk.gdk.MODE_WINDOWthe device is enabled. The device's coordinate space is mapped to a single window. The manner in which this window is chosen is undefined, but it will typically be the same way in which the focus window for key events is determined.

GDK Input Source Constants

The Input Source constants specify the type of an input device in general terms.

gtk.gdk.SOURCE_MOUSEthe device is a mouse. (This will be reported for the core pointer, even if it is something else, such as a trackball.)
gtk.gdk.SOURCE_PENthe device is a stylus of a graphics tablet or similar device.
gtk.gdk.SOURCE_ERASERthe device is an eraser. Typically, this would be the other end of a stylus on a graphics tablet.
gtk.gdk.SOURCE_CURSORthe device is a graphics tablet "puck" or similar device.

GDK Join Style Constants

The Join Style constants specify how the joins between segments of a polygon are drawn.

gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITERThe sides of each line are extended to meet at an angle.
gtk.gdk.JOIN_ROUNDThe sides of the two lines are joined by a circular arc.
gtk.gdk.JOIN_BEVELThe sides of the two lines are joined by a straight line which makes an equal angle with each line.

GDK Line Style Constants

The Line Style constants specify how lines are drawn.

gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLIDLines are drawn solid.
gtk.gdk.LINE_ON_OFF_DASHLines are drawn dashed where even segments are drawn but odd segments are not drawn.
gtk.gdk.LINE_DOUBLE_DASHLines are drawn dashed where even segments are drawn normally but odd segments are drawn in the background color if the fill style is gtk.gdk.SOLID, or in the background color masked by the stipple if the fill style is gtk.gdk.STIPPLED.

GDK Modifier Constants

The Modifier constants are a set of bit-flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in various event types. Typical modifier keys are Shift, Control, Meta, Super, Hyper, Alt, Compose, Apple, CapsLock or ShiftLock.

gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASKThe Shift key.
gtk.gdk.LOCK_MASKA Lock key (depending on the modifier mapping of the X server this may either be CapsLock or ShiftLock).
gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASKThe Control key.
gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASKThe fourth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier, but normally it is the Alt key).
gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASKThe fifth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier).
gtk.gdk.MOD3_MASKThe sixth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier).
gtk.gdk.MOD4_MASKThe seventh modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier).
gtk.gdk.MOD5_MASKThe eighth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier).
gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASKThe first mouse button.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON2_MASKThe second mouse button.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON3_MASKThe third mouse button.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON4_MASKThe fourth mouse button.
gtk.gdk.BUTTON5_MASKThe fifth mouse button.
gtk.gdk.RELEASE_MASKDifferentiates between (keyval, modifiers) pairs from key press and release events.
gtk.gdk.MODIFIER_MASKall of the above

GDK Notify Type Constants

The Notify Type constants specify the kind of crossing for the Crossing gtk.gdk.Event

gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_ANCESTORthe window is entered from an ancestor or left toward an ancestor.
gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_VIRTUALthe pointer moves between an ancestor and an inferior of the window.
gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_INFERIORthe window is entered from an inferior or left toward an inferior.
gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_NONLINEAR the window is entered from or left toward a window which is neither an ancestor nor an inferior.
gtk.gdk.NOTIFY_NONLINEAR_VIRTUALthe pointer moves between two windows which are not ancestors of each other and the window is part of the ancestor chain between one of these windows and their least common ancestor.

GDK Overlap Type Constants

The Overlap Type constants specify the possible values returned by the gtk.gdk.Region.rect_in() method.

gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_INThe rectangle is inside the GdkRegion.
gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_OUTThe rectangle is outside the GdkRegion.
gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_PARTThe rectangle is partly inside the GdkRegion.

GDK Owner Change Constants

The Owner Change constants specify the possible values indicating why selection ownership changed. These are used by the gdk.OWNER_CHANGE type gtk.gdk.Event "owner" attribute.

gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_INThe rectangle is inside the GdkRegion.
gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_OUTThe rectangle is outside the GdkRegion.
gtk.gdk.OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_PARTThe rectangle is partly inside the GdkRegion.

GDK Parent Relative Constant


This constant is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

The Parent Relative constant is a special value (equivalent to 1L) for gtk.gdk.Pixmap variables, indicating that the background pixmap for a window should be inherited from the parent window.

gtk.gdk.PARENT_RELATIVEthe background pixmap for a window should be inherited from the parent window.

GDK Pixbuf Rotation Constants

The Pixbuf Rotation constants specify the angles that a pixbuf can be rotated using the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.rotate_simple() method.

gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_NONENo rotation. Rotate by 0 degrees.
gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISERotate by 90 degrees.
gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_UPSIDEDOWNRotate by 180 degrees.
gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_CLOCKWISERotate by 270 degrees.

GDK Property Mode Constants

The Property Mode constants specify how existing data is combined with new data when using the the gtk.gdk.Window.property_change() method.

gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_REPLACEThe new data replaces the existing data.
gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_PREPENDThe new data is prepended to the existing data.
gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_APPENDThe new data is appended to the existing data.

GDK Property State Constants

The Property State constants specify the type of a property change for a Property gtk.gdk.Event

gtk.gdk.PROPERTY_NEW_VALUEthe property value was changed.
gtk.gdk.PROPERTY_DELETEthe property was deleted.

GDK RGB Dither Constants

The RGB Dither constants specify the type of dithering to apply to the image on display.

gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONENever use dithering.
gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NORMALUse dithering in 8 bits per pixel (and below) only.
gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_MAXUse dithering in 16 bits per pixel and below.

GDK Scroll Direction Constants

The Scroll Direction constants specify the direction for the Scroll.gtk.gdk.Event

gtk.gdk.SCROLL_UPthe window is scrolled up.
gtk.gdk.SCROLL_DOWNthe window is scrolled down.
gtk.gdk.SCROLL_LEFTthe window is scrolled to the left.
gtk.gdk.SCROLL_RIGHTthe window is scrolled to the right.

GDK Setting Action Constants

The Setting Action constants specify the kind of modification applied to a setting in a Setting gtk.gdk.Event

gtk.gdk.SETTING_ACTION_NEWA setting was added.
gtk.gdk.SETTING_ACTION_CHANGEDA setting was changed.
gtk.gdk.SETTING_ACTION_DELETEDA setting was deleted.

GDK Subwindow Mode Constants

The Subwindow Mode constants specify how drawing onto a window will affect child windows of that window.

gtk.gdk.CLIP_BY_CHILDRENonly draw onto the window itself not the subwindows.
gtk.gdk.INCLUDE_INFERIORSdraw onto the window and child windows.

GDK Visibility State Constants

The Visibility State constants specify the visibility status of a window for the Visibility gtk.gdk.Event

gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_UNOBSCUREDthe window is completely visible.
gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_PARTIALthe window is partially visible.
gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCUREDthe window is not visible at all.

GDK Visual Type Constants

The Visual Type constants specify a set of values that describe the manner in which the pixel values for a visual are converted into RGB values for display.

gtk.gdk.VISUAL_STATIC_GRAYEach pixel value indexes a grayscale value directly.
gtk.gdk.VISUAL_GRAYSCALEEach pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into grayscale values. The color map can be changed by an application.
gtk.gdk.VISUAL_STATIC_COLOREach pixel value is an index into a predefined, unmodifiable color map that maps pixel values into RGB values.
gtk.gdk.VISUAL_PSEUDO_COLOREach pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into rgb values. The color map can be changed by an application.
gtk.gdk.VISUAL_TRUE_COLOREach pixel value directly contains red, green, and blue components. The red_mask, green_mask, and blue_mask fields of the gtk.gdk.Visual structure describe how the components are assembled into a pixel value.
gtk.gdk.VISUAL_DIRECT_COLOREach pixel value contains red, green, and blue components as for gtk.gdk.TRUE_COLOR, but the components are mapped via a color table into the final output table instead of being converted directly.

GDK Window Class Constants

The Window Class constants specify the class of window. gtk.gdk.INPUT_OUTPUT windows are the standard kind of window you might expect. gtk.gdk.INPUT_ONLY windows are invisible; they are used to trap events, but you can't draw on them.

gtk.gdk.INPUT_OUTPUTA window for graphics and events.
gtk.gdk.INPUT_ONLYA window for events only.

GDK Window Edge Constants

The Window Edge constants specify window edge or corner.

gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_NORTH_WESTThe top left corner.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_NORTHThe top edge.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_NORTH_EASTThe top right corner.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_WESTThe left edge.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_EASTThe right edge.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_SOUTH_WESTThe lower left corner.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_SOUTHThe lower edge.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_EDGE_SOUTH_EASTThe lower right corner.

GDK Window Hints Constants

The Window Hints constants specify the fields of a GdkGeometry struct should be paid attention to. Also, the presence/absence of gtk.gdk.HINT_POS, gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_POS, and gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_SIZE is significant, though they don't directly refer to GdkGeometry fields. gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_POS will be set automatically by gtk.Window if you call the gtk.Window.move() method. gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_POS and gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_SIZE should be set if the user specified a size/position using a --geometry command-line argument; the gtk.Window.parse_geometry() method automatically sets these flags. These constants aren't useful in PyGTK.

gtk.gdk.HINT_POSIndicates that the program has positioned the window
gtk.gdk.HINT_MIN_SIZEMin size fields are set
gtk.gdk.HINT_MAX_SIZEMax size fields are set
gtk.gdk.HINT_BASE_SIZEBase size fields are set
gtk.gdk.HINT_ASPECTAspect ratio fields are set
gtk.gdk.HINT_RESIZE_INCResize increment fields are set
gtk.gdk.HINT_WIN_GRAVITYWindow gravity field is set
gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_POSIndicates that the window's position was explicitly set by the user
gtk.gdk.HINT_USER_SIZEIndicates that the window's size was explicitly set by the user

GDK Window State Flag Constants

The Window State flag constants are a set of bit-flags that specify the state of a toplevel window.

gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_WITHDRAWNThe window is not shown.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIEDThe window is minimized.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZEDThe window is maximized.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_STICKYThe window is sticky.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREENThe window is maximized without decorations. Available in PyGTK 2.2 and above.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ABOVEThe window is kept above other windows. Available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_BELOWThe window is kept below other windows. Available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.

GDK Window Type Constants

The Window Type constants specify the type of window.

gtk.gdk.WINDOW_ROOTThe root window; this window has no parent, covers the entire screen, and is created by the window system.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TOPLEVELA toplevel window (used to implement gtk.Window).
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_CHILDA child window (used to implement widgets e.g. gtk.Entry).
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_DIALOGA useless/deprecated compatibility type.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TEMPAn override redirect temporary window (used to implement gtk.Menu).
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_FOREIGNA foreign window (see the gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new() function).

GDK Window Type Hint Constants

The Window Type Hint constants specify hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function the window has. The window manager can use this when determining decoration and behavior of the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window.

gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMALA normal toplevel window.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOGA dialog window.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_MENUA window used to implement a menu.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLBARA window used to implement a toolbar.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_SPLASHSCREENA window used to implement a splash screen
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DOCKA window used to implement a docking bar.
gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DESKTOPA window used to implement a desktop.

GDK WM Decoration Constants

The WM Decoration constants are bit-flags that specify the hints that the window manager can use when determining how to decorate the window. The hints must be set before mapping the window.

gtk.gdk.DECOR_ALLAll decorations should be applied.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_BORDERA frame should be drawn around the window.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_RESIZEHThe frame should have resize handles.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_TITLEA titlebar should be placed above the window.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_MENUA button for opening a menu should be included.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_MINIMIZEA minimize button should be included.
gtk.gdk.DECOR_MAXIMIZEA maximize button should be included.

GDK WM Function Constants

The WM Function constants specify hints originally defined by the Motif toolkit. The window manager can use them when determining the functions to offer for the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window.

gtk.gdk.FUNC_ALLAll functions should be offered.
gtk.gdk.FUNC_RESIZEThe window should be resizable.
gtk.gdk.FUNC_MOVEThe window should be movable.
gtk.gdk.FUNC_MINIMIZEThe window should be minimizable.
gtk.gdk.FUNC_MAXIMIZEThe window should be maximizable.
gtk.gdk.FUNC_CLOSEThe window should be closeable.