pangocairo Functions

pangocairo Functions — a list of all the pangocairo functions




    def pangocairo.context_get_font_options(context)
context :a pango.Context created by the pango.FontMap.create_context() method.
Returns :a cairo.FontOptions object or None


This function is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

The pangocairo.context_get_font_options() method returns the cairo.FontOptions object associated with the pango.Context specified by context.


    def pangocairo.context_set_font_options(context, font_options)
context :a pango.Context created by the pango.FontMap.create_context() method.
font_options :a cairo.FontOptions object or None


This function is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

The pangocairo.context_set_font_options() function sets the font options specified by font_options used when rendering text with the pango.Context specified by context. These options override any options that pangocairo.CairoContext.update_context() derives from the target surface. If font_options is None any previously set options are unset.