The example program ( puts up a window with three range widgets all connected to the same adjustment, and a couple of controls for adjusting some of the parameters mentioned above and in the section on adjustments, so you can see how they affect the way these widgets work for the user. Figure 8.1, “Range Widgets Example” illustrates the result of running the program:
The source code is:
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 3 # example 4 5 import pygtk 6 pygtk.require('2.0') 7 import gtk 8 9 # Convenience functions 10 11 def make_menu_item(name, callback, data=None): 12 item = gtk.MenuItem(name) 13 item.connect("activate", callback, data) 14 15 return item 16 17 def scale_set_default_values(scale): 18 scale.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) 19 scale.set_digits(1) 20 scale.set_value_pos(gtk.POS_TOP) 21 scale.set_draw_value(True) 22 23 class RangeWidgets: 24 def cb_pos_menu_select(self, item, pos): 25 # Set the value position on both scale widgets 26 self.hscale.set_value_pos(pos) 27 self.vscale.set_value_pos(pos) 28 29 def cb_update_menu_select(self, item, policy): 30 # Set the update policy for both scale widgets 31 self.hscale.set_update_policy(policy) 32 self.vscale.set_update_policy(policy) 33 34 def cb_digits_scale(self, adj): 35 # Set the number of decimal places to which adj->value is rounded 36 self.hscale.set_digits(adj.value) 37 self.vscale.set_digits(adj.value) 38 39 def cb_page_size(self, get, set): 40 # Set the page size and page increment size of the sample 41 # adjustment to the value specified by the "Page Size" scale 42 set.page_size = get.value 43 set.page_incr = get.value 44 # Now emit the "changed" signal to reconfigure all the widgets that 45 # are attached to this adjustment 46 set.emit("changed") 47 48 def cb_draw_value(self, button): 49 # Turn the value display on the scale widgets off or on depending 50 # on the state of the checkbutton 51 self.hscale.set_draw_value(button.get_active()) 52 self.vscale.set_draw_value(button.get_active()) 53 54 # makes the sample window 55 56 def __init__(self): 57 # Standard window-creating stuff 58 self.window = gtk.Window (gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) 59 self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) 60 self.window.set_title("range controls") 61 62 box1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0) 63 self.window.add(box1) 64 65 66 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 67 box2.set_border_width(10) 68 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 69 70 71 # value, lower, upper, step_increment, page_increment, page_size 72 # Note that the page_size value only makes a difference for 73 # scrollbar widgets, and the highest value you'll get is actually 74 # (upper - page_size). 75 adj1 = gtk.Adjustment(0.0, 0.0, 101.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) 76 77 self.vscale = gtk.VScale(adj1) 78 scale_set_default_values(self.vscale) 79 box2.pack_start(self.vscale, True, True, 0) 80 81 82 box3 = gtk.VBox(False, 10) 83 box2.pack_start(box3, True, True, 0) 84 85 86 # Reuse the same adjustment 87 self.hscale = gtk.HScale(adj1) 88 self.hscale.set_size_request(200, 30) 89 scale_set_default_values(self.hscale) 90 box3.pack_start(self.hscale, True, True, 0) 91 92 93 # Reuse the same adjustment again 94 scrollbar = gtk.HScrollbar(adj1) 95 # Notice how this causes the scales to always be updated 96 # continuously when the scrollbar is moved 97 scrollbar.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) 98 box3.pack_start(scrollbar, True, True, 0) 99 100 101 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 102 box2.set_border_width(10) 103 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 104 105 106 # A checkbutton to control whether the value is displayed or not 107 button = gtk.CheckButton("Display value on scale widgets") 108 button.set_active(True) 109 button.connect("toggled", self.cb_draw_value) 110 box2.pack_start(button, True, True, 0) 111 112 113 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 114 box2.set_border_width(10) 115 116 # An option menu to change the position of the value 117 label = gtk.Label("Scale Value Position:") 118 box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) 119 120 121 opt = gtk.OptionMenu() 122 menu = gtk.Menu() 123 124 item = make_menu_item ("Top", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_TOP) 125 menu.append(item) 126 127 item = make_menu_item ("Bottom", self.cb_pos_menu_select, 128 gtk.POS_BOTTOM) 129 menu.append(item) 130 131 item = make_menu_item ("Left", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_LEFT) 132 menu.append(item) 133 134 item = make_menu_item ("Right", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_RIGHT) 135 menu.append(item) 136 137 opt.set_menu(menu) 138 box2.pack_start(opt, True, True, 0) 139 140 141 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 142 143 144 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 145 box2.set_border_width(10) 146 147 # Yet another option menu, this time for the update policy of the 148 # scale widgets 149 label = gtk.Label("Scale Update Policy:") 150 box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) 151 152 153 opt = gtk.OptionMenu() 154 menu = gtk.Menu() 155 156 item = make_menu_item("Continuous", self.cb_update_menu_select, 157 gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) 158 menu.append(item) 159 160 item = make_menu_item ("Discontinuous", self.cb_update_menu_select, 161 gtk.UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS) 162 menu.append(item) 163 164 item = make_menu_item ("Delayed", self.cb_update_menu_select, 165 gtk.UPDATE_DELAYED) 166 menu.append(item) 167 168 opt.set_menu(menu) 169 box2.pack_start(opt, True, True, 0) 170 171 172 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 173 174 175 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 176 box2.set_border_width(10) 177 178 # An HScale widget for adjusting the number of digits on the 179 # sample scales. 180 label = gtk.Label("Scale Digits:") 181 box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) 182 183 184 adj2 = gtk.Adjustment(1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) 185 adj2.connect("value_changed", self.cb_digits_scale) 186 scale = gtk.HScale(adj2) 187 scale.set_digits(0) 188 box2.pack_start(scale, True, True, 0) 189 190 191 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 192 193 194 box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) 195 box2.set_border_width(10) 196 197 # And, one last HScale widget for adjusting the page size of the 198 # scrollbar. 199 label = gtk.Label("Scrollbar Page Size:") 200 box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) 201 202 203 adj2 = gtk.Adjustment(1.0, 1.0, 101.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) 204 adj2.connect("value_changed", self.cb_page_size, adj1) 205 scale = gtk.HScale(adj2) 206 scale.set_digits(0) 207 box2.pack_start(scale, True, True, 0) 208 209 210 box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) 211 212 213 separator = gtk.HSeparator() 214 box1.pack_start(separator, False, True, 0) 215 216 217 box2 = gtk.VBox(False, 10) 218 box2.set_border_width(10) 219 box1.pack_start(box2, False, True, 0) 220 221 222 button = gtk.Button("Quit") 223 button.connect("clicked", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) 224 box2.pack_start(button, True, True, 0) 225 button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) 226 button.grab_default() 227 228 229 230 def main(): 231 gtk.main() 232 return 0 233 234 if __name__ == "__main__": 235 RangeWidgets() 236 main() |
You will notice that the program does not call the connect() method for the "delete_event", but only for the "destroy" signal. This will still perform the desired operation, because an unhandled "delete_event" will result in a "destroy" signal being given to the window.