Debian packages the firefox-esr release which works quite well most of the time, but I find often the newest browser is often required for some functionality. I've put together a little script that basically sets this up with a local firefox install in ~/.opt
You can copy/paste this into a terminal and it will download the latest firefox, extract it to ~/.opt/firefox and setup a desktop file so that it will appear in the desktop menu
mkdir -p ~/.opt cd ~/.opt FFCHANNEL=latest LIBDIRSUFFIX="64" VER=${VER:-$(wget --spider -S --max-redirect 0 "${FFCHANNEL}&os=linux${LIBDIRSUFFIX}&lang=${FFLANG}" 2>&1 | sed -n '/Location: /{s|.*/firefox-\(.*\)\.tar.*|\1|p;q;}')} echo $VER wget${VER}/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-${VER}.tar.bz2 -P /tmp tar jxvf /tmp/firefox-${VER}.tar.bz2 mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications BASEDIR=`pwd` cat <<EOF >> ~/.local/share/applications/firefox-stable.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Firefox Comment=Web Browser Exec=${BASEDIR}/firefox/firefox %u Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=${BASEDIR}/firefox/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png Categories=Network;WebBrowser; StartupWMClass=Firefox StartupNotify=true EOF sudo ln -sf ${BASEDIR}/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox
More information in the debian wiki: